Wednesday, March 11, 2009

power teaching

The concept of power teaching baffles me. I personally don't understand how any learning could go in in that type of environment. In the video we watched I saw some good use of gestures. However, I felt that the classroom was too chaotic for any real learning to take place. The students were constantly competing to just be heard by the person next to them. None of the students that the video focused on were able to finish a complete thought/ sentence without being interrupted or losing their train of though, how is that LEARNING. In addition, I feel that power teaching shifts the teaching responsibility on to the students; which I definitely don't agree with. Overall, I do not see myself utilizing this method of teaching in my classroom.


  1. I agree with you.

    This type of teahcing did not seem logical to me either. I just wanted to share it with you so you are aware it is out there.

    Thanks for posting!

  2. I so agree with you. I do not find one bit of normality in this way of teaching. It is almost as if you're giving a crash course on a subject. What in fact are kids really supposed to learn? No way, I pass! Nice post!
